Blueprint Series Customer Ratings and Reviews


Blueprint Series Customer Reviews and Ratings

15 Customer Reviews 

  1. Marketing-Agency-BlueprintIn 2010, Fast Company published a watershed 5,700-word article about the wrenching changes and convulsions that the agency world is experiencing. Unfortunately, the article did not fully articulate what the agency of the future would look like. After reading Paul Roetzer’s Marketing Agency Blueprint and participating in the 5 Marketing Agency Insider webinars, I have a better sense of where the agency business is heading and how best to evolve my firm to stay relevant and of value to clients. — Douglas Burdett, Artillery
  2. The Marketing Agency Insider gave me a blend of top-level theory with practical, down-to-earth, real examples that you just don’t get in most webinars. Each session gave me new ideas to consider and pages of notes to follow up with, plus resources to refer to again and again. — John Murphy, The Murphy Agency
  3. Paul Roetzer and the Marketing Agency Insider series was a must-attend event for any individual or agency who wants to make sure they survive and thrive in this changing environment for agencies. My biggest take away is that it confirmed for me what I’d been thinking the last 18 months about my company being a hybrid agency and that is the only way for companies in our industry to survive. The evolution isn’t in the future, it’s happening right now. — Patty Gale, Inspired WebWorks
  4. The work Paul’s done has created a foundation we can all build upon. Agencies, present and future, will thrive because of the ideas and insights shared by MAI. I plan to make mine one of them. — Jeff Mason, Hero Design Studio
  5. Thorough and comprehensive overview of what all agencies should be looking at. Paul shared internal tools and docs that made it “real” to the rest of us. — Greg Sherwood, DBC Digital
  6. Insightful on many levels, I looked forward to each session and couldn’t wait to hear Paul’s insights, experiences and helpful hints. He was willing to answer questions completely and honestly and I learned a lot. Now I want him to create a coaching version to help take what I’ve learned and make it real. Every small to medium agency should enroll in this series. — Patrick Fultz, DM Creative Group
  7. I really enjoyed the fresh take on the marketing business that came through in the series. Paul and his team have clearly been building good, thought leading services and delivery models. We can all learn from the evolving best practices offered in the sessions. — Peter Fieger, WSI
  8. Any company interested in starting up, being more efficient, delivering better client outcomes and/or scaling operations should participate in Paul’s and PR 20/20’s MAI series, it’s a must do. . . . Don’t hesitate to take this program the next time it’s offered, and in the meantime read the book! — Andy Xhignesse, Inbound Marketing Experts Inc
  9. The Marketing Agency Blueprint webinar series was a valuable use of my time and would be for anyone interested in building a world-class agency, or any organization for that matter. The shared downloadable materials and post session links were greatly appreciated. Paul’s passion and purpose was present every step of the way. I was not disappointed. — Marc Levin, WSI
  10. The Marketing Agency Blueprint series was an excellent program. I highly recommend it for anyone starting or trying to grow a small agency. Well worth the investment of time and money. — Candyce Edelen, PropelGrowth
  11. As a smaller agency, I found the Blueprint series informative, well presented and insightful. By sharing the path to progress Paul has delivered on his original statement, specifically, “the handbook for building a hybrid, pr, seo, content advertising and web firm.” Bravo! — David J Dunworth, Primo Fini Content Marketers
  12. As a HubSpot agency start-up, this webinar gave me not only valuable business insights, but I have already adapted most of the discussed technology to drive my company growth and process. Great value. I would highly recommend it to any agency, but especially a new one. — Steven Bloom, Go Time Marketing
  13. When I started my business a couple of years ago, I desperately needed a ‘business model.’ I turned to E-Myth and it gave me the foundations for thinking of my business in terms of systems. A great foundation to help grow any business and take it from “infancy” into “maturity,” as Michael Gerber calls it. What you gave me Paul, is the foundation to building a “marketing agency;” concepts, tools, systems, and a community. — Lamees Abourahma, Webbright Services
  14. My experience with the book, heightened by my attendance of the Blueprint Series, gave me a boost in clarity as I’m defining the growth direction of my agency. The insight I gained was critical due to the fact that the material was many steps away from a theoretical discussion of how a hybrid agency works to a practical, linear, strategic guideline on how to build one. — Rich McElaney, brassCycle
  15. This series took the book to the next level for me providing the insight into how to grow to my business, whilst maintaining my sense of value, and delivering quality service with results for my clients. What I love about this series is the; structure, variety of topics, personal insight and above all – building a business on truth.” — Stacie Chalmers, The Inbound Marketing Company

Rated 4.2 out of 5 Stars



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